Friday 3 May 2013

Update Email - 3rd May 2012

Hello You Lot,

One of these evenings I am going to keep you all waiting and not do an evening update......but not tonight.

The day started quietly and leisurely enough.

Get there at 10am they said. 
You can see your Hubby they said.
We got there at 10am. 
We could not see my Hubby.

He was booked to have a CT scan on his brain today and they managed to get him in earlier than they thought so we literally saw him being wheeled past us and off into the distance to Radiology for his scan.
The scan results have brought no further issues for John, he is still doing ok on that front. Yes, I absolutely wanted them to tell me that the damage to his brain had miraculously been cured and had disappeared or that they were wrong and there was no damage, but alas that particular dream was dashed almost instantly. 
However, he has not declined and there are no further issues to challenge him......good times.

Previous updates have indicated that his movement, although it was there in some areas, was limited. We were also unsure of the extent of his movement. Could he move all his limbs, could he do this, do that, etc, etc.
Today we got confirmation from the Big Man himself that he CAN move ALL his limbs!!!!!!!!! 
After today's antics Heather and I have decided to call him John 'Michael Flatley' McEllis.....he was almost wriggling like a fish on a line, there was movement in every limb. In fact, when he was wriggling I asked him to move his left leg and he did, almost on was just too coincidental to be coincidence so we don't think it was coincidence - did I mention coincidence?????

On a lesser note, but in the grand scheme of things it's nothing to worry about (considering everything else!!!!!!!!!), he has a temperature and his 'gammy eye' has a patch. The patch has been applied due to some water in his eye not draining and there is danger of infection so they've tried to sort it today. Hopefully in a couple of days it will be gone. 
At the moment he looks like a cross between Cap'n Jack Sparrow and Bonzo the Clown (with his big trainers on in bed) but I still think he's the best thing since sliced bread. I can assure you I don't have a pirate/clown fetish.....I think!

My focus today has been the sourcing of a suitable hospital for him in London.....I am soooooooo excited that we are bringing him home some time soon, I really cannot wait for this living hell to be over and be back in the UK. The people here have been amazing and lovely to us, I cannot fault them one bit. It's the language barrier that I have had enough of, I really need the English language, the familiarity of our home, our friends and family......and I cannot tell you how much I need our two little dogs, for restorative hugs and cuddles and unconditional love.

Well I think that will do you all for today, I must depart to bed before it all starts again tomorrow. After today I am expecting him to dance his way out of the Critical Care Unit.....I will report back.

Ich liebe meinen Mann so sehr!!!

Ellis & McKenna

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