Friday 10 May 2013

Update Email - 10th May 2012

Greetings Friends,

It has been a wet day in Bremen. 
Much rain has fallen, most of it on mine and Mark's heads as we wandered off for various walks during the day.....we got well and truly soaked a couple of times. However, it was actually rather pleasant, it may be raining cats and dogs but it is warm. I sit here now at almost 11pm with the window wide open and it's lovely......almost a summer's eve if it wasn't for the darn rain!!!

As mentioned above, Mark (one of the Zoo Boys) has been with me today, he leaves tomorrow. It's nice for him to return as he can see just how much Johnnie has changed in the past 3 was 3 weeks today that this all started. How times flies when you're not having fun!!!

Mr Ellis continues to be astonishing, as is his way! This morning we visited him and once again he was off the ventilator. I think in total he has breathed unaided for approximately THREE hours today.....yes, three hours with no ventilator at all. He truly is astonishing. It wasn't three hours in one go, it was staggered over a couple of episodes. As previously mentioned it really does tire him so as soon as he's back on the ventilator he sleeps. A well deserved kip if you ask me.

We had a small 'scare' today. John has shared his room with a variety of other patients over the past 3 weeks. The first man awoke from his coma and decided to throw himself from his bed, receiving a black eye and a bloody nose in the process. He was quickly placed in a ' straight jacket' and was never seen again. Then we had 'Nads Patel', an Asian gentleman who insisted upon showing his 'nads' to all and everyone that entered the room! Following him was Herr Weiss (A very white man!). He disappeared yesterday, we know not why. Last night a new man came, a man with MRSA!!!!! We did not know this until we tried to visit John this afternoon when we were asked to don masks, gloves, hair nets, gowns and sloosh ourselves in alcohol gel before they would let us in his room. Hubby had a blood test for MRSA today and the results came back at 6pm.....he is negative....*phew*. One less thing for him to have to deal with and one less thing that I must worry about.

As you will no doubt appreciate, because I am updating you it means we are still in Germany (oh joy!). We did not get a bed in Lewisham today. Hopefully tomorrow one will become available....once more I find myself gutted and disappointed and there have been just a few tears of frustration!

All along I have said that I would not go home without him and I stand by that decision. However.....because I know that he IS coming home (it's just a matter of days) I am seriously debating getting the night flight home tomorrow night and spending the weekend preparing for his arrival in London (and having my meltdown in private). This decision is a hard one as, stupid as it might sound, I feel enormous guilt, I feel I'm going back on my word to him that I would not go without him and I worry that the bed situation will be delayed by days meaning he will be here, in Germany, without me. Common sense dictates that there is nothing I can do now, it's all down to one thing, the bed, we KNOW he's coming home, we just don't have the definitive day. He is being expertly looked after here by the lovely, marvellous, wonderful doctors and nurses in ITU so I have no worries on that score, it's purely my own feelings. My heart feels like a push-me-pull-you. 

I guess I just need my Hubby to tell me it's ok to go as he will be following right behind......but he can't tell me and I don't want to tell him because I don't want him to be distressed or worry or hurt or scared which is exactly all the feelings I am going through!!!

I'll decide in the morning......maybe the decision will be made for us. 

We can only hope.


Mr & Mr McEllis

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