Tuesday 12 June 2012

A Lesson Learnt

What is it they say? One should never assume....it makes an ass out of u and me....

I learnt this lesson the hard way today.

Upon my return to work I assumed that everyone would know, that I wouldn't have to tell them that my Husband was dead. 
How frigging stupid can I be?! Of course they wouldn't all know. 
And in fact they didn't.

I was having a perfectly pleasant work related email conversation with a lovely colleague at Head Office....perfectly pleasant until she replied to one of my emails asking "How's John, is he recovering well?".

I read it, then I read it again and all of a sudden it felt like my world had fallen out of my arse. I took a deep breath, muttered something along the lines of "Oh No!" and sobbed, right there, at my desk (Cue my amazing Boss to the rescue!).

My poor colleague may as well have gouged out my innards with a blunt spoon.
The only thing to do was to call her.
I wasn't going to give her the bad news via an email.
Much too insensitive.

And so a lesson was learnt.
Not everyone knows.
I'm sure there are people that should know who still do not.
I will just have to wait for them to make contact, ask the question and then take it on the chin.
And again.
And again.

My name is John McKenna, I am an emotional punch bag - hit me up!

In other news, Maximillian Sydney Bruiser McEllis managed to hold on to the contents of his arse all day today......AND tonight, for the first time since I returned to the UK, I will be cooking something fresh, from scratch, by myself (thank you to the wonderful Bella for the crab xx).

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